RHEL for SAP AWS training provisioner

The github.com/mgmt-sa-tiger-team/sap-hana-workshop contains an Ansible Playbook provision_lab.yml, which is an automated lab setup for RHEL for SAP training on AWS (Amazon Web Services). Set the workshop_type variable below to provision the corresponding workshop.

Workshop Workshop Type Var
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Workshop workshop_type: sap

Table Of Contents


Lab Setup

One Time Setup

For One Time Setup - click here

Satellite Configuration (optional)

For the pursposes of this workshop a Satellite is optional. It brings with it the ability remediate Insights findings automatically through https://cloud.redhat.com. To enable this functionality you must have configured Cloud Connector for your Satellite, please see the documentation for your version of Satellite for details. For One Satellite Configuration - click here

Setup (per workshop)

# region where the nodes will live
ec2_region: us-east-1

# name prefix for all the VMs
ec2_name_prefix: TESTWORKSHOP

# creates student_total of workbenches for the workshop
student_total: 2

# Set the right workshop type, like network, rhel or f5 (see above)
workshop_type: sap


# turn DNS on for control nodes, and set to type in valid_dns_type
dns_type: aws

# password for Ansible control node
admin_password: your_password123

# Sets the Route53 DNS zone to use for Amazon Web Services
workshop_dns_zone: example.com

# automatically installs Tower to control node
towerinstall: true

## option 1 - Red Hat Satellite
## if you want to use satellite specify it by FQDN here, make sure it's accessible by
## student nodes, has the appropriate content, content views, subscriptions and activation
## keys. Leaving this undefined will cause the playbook to register the RHEL VMs to RHSM
# satellite_host:

## organization name in satellite
# satellite_org_id:

## activation keys for SAP systems for your satellite environment
# satellite_sap_activation_keys:
#   s4app: SAP S4 Server
#   hana: SAP HANA Server

## option 2 - RHN
## alternatively specify rhn credentials to register with RHSM, Satellite will not use these
## values, it relies on activation keys
# rhn_username: 
# rhn_password: 
# rhn_subscription: subscription name

## setting sapinstall to true will cause the playbook to run Labs 1 & 2 automatically
## to reduce the duration of the workshop and allow for more "cooking show" experience
sapinstall: false

If you want to license Ansible Tower you must copy a license called tower_license.json into this directory. If you do not have a license already please request one using the Workshop License Link.

For more extra_vars examples, look at the following:

ansible-playbook provision_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml

Accessing student documentation and slides

Accessing instructor inventory


The provisioner currently supports creating DNS records per control node with valid SSL certs using Lets Encrypt. Right now DNS is only supported via AWS Route 53, however we are building it in a way that this can be more pluggable and take advantage of other public clouds.

This means that each student workbench will get an individual DNS entry. For example a DNS name will look like this: https://student1.testworkshop.rhdemo.io

Lab Teardown

The teardown_lab.yml playbook deletes all the training instances as well as local inventory files.

To destroy all the EC2 instances after training is complete:

ansible-playbook teardown_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml
ansible-playbook teardown_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml -e debug_teardown=true

Which will install all demos onto the Ansible Tower instance. Not all demos will work on any workshop_type. Please refer to the Demo repository list.


For frequently asked questions see the FAQ

More info on what is happening

The provision_lab.yml playbook creates a work bench for each student, configures them for password authentication, and creates an inventory file for each user with their IPs and credentials. An instructor inventory file is also created in the current directory which will let the instructor access the nodes of any student. This file will be called instructor_inventory.txt

What does the AWS provisioner take care of automatically?

Getting Help

Please file issues on Github. Please fill out all required information. Your issue will be closed if you skip required information in the Github issues template.